Samantha’s story serves as an example of how Hand in Hand Zimbabwe is empowering youth in Chirumhanzu district through its Motivated and Entrepreneurial Youth (MEY) project.
Since the death of her husband in 2017, the shackles of poverty began to set a footprint on Samantha (34) and her family. She lost a lot of friends as most of them had grown tired of her begging. As a result, her two children became chronically malnourished.
Samantha’s fate however changed when she met Hand in Hand Zimbabwe in July 2018 as a member of Tomboedza star club.
The enthusiastic Samantha received entrepreneurship, life motivation and health trainings from Hand in Hand Zimbabwe together with other eight members of her group. These trainings were able to build and mould her into a confident and healthy entrepreneur.
“The training I received from Hand helped me identify business opportunities. With the knowledge I received, I started a lucrative poultry enterprise,” she said.
Currently Samantha owns 160 free-range poultry that include sasso and boshveld. She sells both eggs and day-old chicks and she makes an income of USD$100 per month.
“I am humbled by the efforts made by Hand in Hand Zimbabwe in transforming my life and moulding me into a strong and empowered woman. From a poor and despised woman, to a woman that has regained her respect. I am now able to take care of my children’s welfare,” she said