Eight women and two men from Kushinga SHG in ward 21 have been proactive toward enhancing food security through group savings.
Effects of climate change have a detrimental effect on crop yields and the prospect of a living, which has led to a food shortage in the majority of rural communities. Farming remains the pillar in ensuring food security, however the costs of farming inputs are high and not affordable to many.
“As a group, we have been keen in aiding and boosting each other socially and economically the Kushinga group chair said narrating their tale. This has been aided through business trainings, we received after joining Hand in Hand Zimbabwe year-end 2021 gave us an entrepreneurial mind-set. We also valued the addition of gender and environmental trainings to the business development trainings. Our self-esteem has greatly improved by the mentorship and coaching sessions as we are always participating in community development projects.”
The group has been equipped with self-help strengthening, saving skills and have started to save USD5.00 per month. They have been lending their savings internally and the interest has increased their funds. “We brainstormed on issues affecting us and decided on purchasing agricultural inputs with our ISALs fund. We purchased inputs worth USD 400.00 in the form of 100kgs of maize seed and 250kg of fertilizer.”
This has shown the strength of the group’s common goal in addressing the challenges affecting them and working as a team. The group is venturing into asset-based saving to create value for money through crop production.