Meet the honey business owners in Shurugwi.

Meet Loveness (53) and Toddy Muhwandavaka (57) a couple in Mutodzanise village, ward 24 in Shurugwi.In August 2017, the couple joined The Lions Self Help Group a 10-member group under the Jobs Creation Project, a Hand in Hand Zimbabwe supported group with funding from Hand in Hand Sweden. Under JCP, the couple received the modular trainings on business management conducted by Hand in Hand Zimbabwe.

Before joining Hand in Hand Zimbabwe, toddy was a full-time security guard and Loveness was unemployed. Toddy ‘s salary was not adequate to support the family upkeep hence he ended up resigning from work. After receiving training, the group members started contributing USD5 .00 towards ISALs. With the enlightenment and new business ideas Loveness started hoarding and selling small wares in the surrounding villages, culminating in her cross-border trade to neighboring countries such as South Africa, Mozambique, and Botswana. She also started a sewing club with other female members of her group where they specialized in making church regalia, as well as a baking bun for sell.  On the other hand, Toddy took advantage of nearby natural resources by starting fish farming at Muzwi dam hence provided an additional income for their household.

However, from the fish business and retailing income they started a beekeeping project. When they started, they acquired two traditional beehives, fashioned out of dead tree trunks, four Kenyan Top Bar Beehives, a bee suit and other accessories using proceeds from their other enterprises.

Toddy and Loveness harvest around 240 liters of honey each season. With each 20 liter of honey selling at USD144.00. The couple also obtain wax during harvesting honey, which is commonly used to make floor polish. Approximately they get USD200.00 from selling wax. With two harvests per year, the couple have expanded their business to 6 bee hives 6 Kenyan Top Bar hives and 2 traditional tree trunk hives.

Toddy and Loveness have also managed to upgrade their homestead by building a modern three-roomed house, a Blair toilet, and a fowl-run. They also bought 12 cows unfortunately, they got wiped out by theileriosis. Mr Muhwa, as he is affectionately known, also bought himself a bicycle to help him in his errands in the fish business.

(Mr and Mrs Muwandavaka and their granddaughter, Kyla displaying the solar panels and other equipment for their  horticulture project . In the background is the house they built from the proceeds of their beekeeping business.)

Meanwhile, Toddy and Loveness are working on establishing a horticultural garden. To this end, they have already purchased solar panels, poly-pipes, fencing wire, and have dug a deep well to provide the water.

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