To build socio-economically resilient communities.
To alleviate poverty amongst vulnerable communities especially women and youth through capacity development, entrepreneurship and partnerships for sustainable development.
Accountability and Transparency
Teamwork and Inclusiveness
Hand in Hand Zimbabwe is a non-profit organization that helps resource limited and marginalized people in rural and peri-urban communities, particularly women and youth, to create better livelihoods for themselves and their families through interventions which increase economic opportunities.
This, the organization achieves this through delivering modular entrepreneurial development training, which is integrated with cross-cutting components such as motivation, health, gender, and environment. Thus, Hand in Hand Zimbabwe commits itself to implementing sustainable interventions that contribute to fighting challenges such as food insecurity, poverty and an unstable economy and effects of climate change that threaten individual and household well-being. Hand in Hand Zimbabwe has a six (6) month business development training program which covers six modules and cross cutting manuals in gender, environment and motivation on which target group capacitation is premised on.
The organisation was registered as a development Trust in July 2015 and as a Private Voluntary Organisation (PVO) on the 5th of May 2020.
The organization presently operates in the following districts: Bulilima and Gwanda in Matabeleland South Province, Lupane and Nkayi in Matabeleland North Province, Chirumanzu and Shurugwi in Midlands Province and Chikomba district in Mashonaland East Province.