Breaking Barriers: Female Entrepreneur defy the odds.

                                                    ‘Growing up ,l never dreamt of seeing myself  managing different enterprises in a society where gender based inequalities and structural barriers were rife.But today l am a testimony that women  have the ability to lead ’.



Muchaneta Dzinobaya, a 38-year-old mother of three from Donga Village in Shurugwi Rural District, faced difficult times in 2020, struggling to provide basic needs for her family, such as paying school fees and providing a decent shelter .

In 2021, she joined Hand in Hand Zimbabwe’s self-help group (Shooting Stars) through the MEY (Motivated & Entrepreneural Youth) project. The group received six  modular trainings on business development, which inspired Muchaneta to start a small business. Through the Internal Saving and Lending (ISALs) scheme under the Shooting Stars SHG contributing USD 10 per month as a group, she established a micro business shop in her township with limited stocks, which has since diversified.

In August 2023, Muchaneta received a loan from Hand in Hand Zimbabwe’s accelerator project, which enabled her to expand her business by opening two additional shops—a grocery shop and a hardware store. By reinvesting the loan into her business, Muchaneta was able to quickly stock the new shops with products purchased from wholesale suppliers in a nearby town. The strategic placement of the new shops, with the grocery shop located a few kilometres down the road and the hardware store adjacent to her first grocery shop, allowed Muchaneta to cater to a wider customer base.


  (Muchaneta ,cheerfully smiles while holding one of her products in her hardware shop.)

Muchaneta has managed to employ two full time staff to manage her other shops. The employment of two full-time staff members demonstrates her commitment to creating job opportunities within her community. By providing employment, she not only supports the livelihoods of those individuals but also contributes to the overall economic growth of the area. Additionally, as she expands her business and opens more stores, she will continue to create additional employment opportunities, further benefiting the local community.

Ms. Dzinobaya’s empowerment and the support of her business by the community are significant developments that have positive impacts on both her personal life and the local community. The empowerment of women, particularly in developing regions, is a crucial aspect of societal progress and economic development. When women are empowered to become entrepreneurs and contribute to their families’ well-being, it not only improves their own lives but also has a ripple effect on the community as a whole.

Ms. Dzinobaya’s empowerment and the support for her business extend beyond her individual circumstances. The community benefits from having access to goods or services locally, which reduces the need for long commutes to larger towns. This not only saves time but also contributes to the local economy by keeping spending within the community.


Hand in Hand Zimbabwe’s accelerator project aims to provide financial support and business trainings to entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe. The project focuses on empowering individuals to start or expand their businesses, thereby contributing to economic growth and poverty reduction in the country. Muchaneta’s experience with the accelerator project demonstrates its impact on local entrepreneurs and the potential for economic development through small business investment.

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