Charter Seeds partners with Hand in Hand Zimbabwe in training smallholder farmers.

Charter Seeds (a distributing agent for Starke Ayres seeds South Africa) partnered with Hand in Hand Zimbabwe in training horticulture smallholder farmers on how to cultivate crops for maximum yields and information dissemination on hybrid seed varieties. Charter Seeds supported by Starke Ayres SA held a learning Open Day at ART Farm in Harare where HiHZ’s entrepreneurs from the 3 districts attended this learning occasion/ #look and learn.

This Open Day come #technical skills training in which presentations on various crop varieties were made, aimed at acquainting attendees with knowledge on various seeds on the market as well as linking farmers to key players in the horticulture value chain. The field day provided an opportunity for farmers to learn good agriculture practices (GAP) such as soil sampling, correcting the acidity, soil fertility and moisture management among others.

In bolstering information dissemination and practically training farmers on best agricultural practice, CS established 2 Farmer Field Schools 1, at Bethel Garden in Shurugwi District and another one at BelDondo Gardens in Chirumanzu District. CS supported with seeds, chemicals and technical expertise.


Charter Seeds runs demonstration plots across all its areas of operation.

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