Inspired by Hand in Hand Zimbabwe trainings

“After receiving the six modular business development trainings from Hand in Hand Zimbabwe,l was inspired to start a poultry business.When l started ,l had 25 broiler chickens and as my business expanded l took in Sasso hybrid chickens.

Today am a proud farmer , with 48 Sasso C431,46 Sasso sussex and 150 broiler chickens.Through the enterprise ,l have been able to provide for my family ‘s needs and wants,said Edith “.

Edith has managed to drill a borehole at her homestead with the proceeds from selling her Sasso hybrid and broiler chickens.She has started a horticulture garden planting leafy vegetables.

This diversification of her enterprises will not only broaden her revenue streams but will allow her to tap into different market segments and capitalize on various opportunities.

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